Friday, February 15, 2013

System Center Installer - OMServer.msi returned error 1603

Having problems installing your secondary management server, maybe even your primary? Great post about pre-requisites. Setting up our secondary server, the management server installer was failing. I had made sure to install the report viewer modules, .NET 4.0 but forgot .NET 3.51. The installer won't tell you directly that the prerequisite was missing and will simply fail, leaving you to pour through a large install log to find the problem.

If you're seeing this in your install log, it may be the same case:

Always: :LaunchMSI: Setting rollback to true
[16:58:55]: Error: :LaunchMSI: MSI C:\SCOMSP1\Setup\AMD64\Server\OMServer.msi returned error 1603

Check Christopher Keyaert's article for additional information and other troubleshooting steps.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Way to Mass Uninstall System Center Agents on Remote Computers

I needed to remove the agents on a number of computers and naturally, I wanted a quick way of doing so. I had a csv output from an active directory query but needed a way to use that to uninstall the agent. The following powershell script will allow you to do just so. It may or may not work on certain 2000 and 2003 installations. I am working on a script that works on all systems. In the mean time, here you go.

$Servers="computer1","computer2", "computer3"
FOREACH ($TargetServer in $servers){(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name='System Center Operations Manager 2012 Agent'" -ComputerName $TargetServer ).Uninstall()}

Errors with SCOM 2012 SP1 Upgrade or Installation

Upgraded to SCOM 2012 SP1 last week and exposed an few errors for those who may have gone a little to fast in the installation. Chances are, if you are seeing the following errors, you may have forgotten to change the "Data Access Service" option during the upgrade to a domain account. If you leave it a service account, you will get the following errors post upgrade. Now, the good thing is, if you've done this and can no longer log into the management console, go back to your server, hunt down the System Center Data Access Service and change the login from "Local Service" to your data access account that was created during the original installation of System Center.

Also, if you are starting from scratch with an SP1 installation, you will need to add trailing "\" back slashes on the SQL directories. If you do not, the Datawarehouse installation will likely fail and roll the entire installation back. So, when you perform the SQL server discovery during installation, the installer will find your data and log directories and populate them automatically as such:

"D:\SQL Data"
"L:\SQL Logs"

You need to change these to the following format (obviously your drives and directories may differ)

"D:\SQL Data\"
"L:\SQL Logs\"

And then your System Center Operations Manager 2012 SP1 installation should proceed.

Errors you may encounter if you do not have a domain login for the Data Access account:

Inner Exception.Type: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ServiceNotRunningException, Exception Error Code: 0x80131604, Exception.Message: The Data Access service is either not running or not yet initialized. Check the event log for more information.
Event 29120
OpsMgr Management Configuration Service failed to process configuration request (Xml configuration file or management pack request) due to the following exception
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Unable to get ISdkService interface. Please make sure local Sdk Service is running.
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementConfiguration.Communication.CredentialDataProvider.CreateSdkConnector()

Event 29195
OpsMgr Management Configuration Service failed to communicate with System Center Data Access Service due to the following exception
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Unable to get ISdkService interface. Please make sure local Sdk Service is running.

Event 26380
The System Center Data Access service failed due to an unhandled exception. 
The service will attempt to restart.
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.SdkServiceNotInitializedException: The Data Access service has not yet initialized. Please try again.

Event 26340
System Center Data Access Service and/or System Center Management is unresponsive because Authorization Manager is unable to recover from database errors. Please restart services System Center Data Access Service and System Center Management.